The Weeping Willow Poem by Peter Cloutier-Jabalee

The Weeping Willow

Rating: 5.0

Website: BookCrook.Net

There once was a Willow,
Born under the sun.
Who had lived as long,
As time had begun.

Throughout the years,
He began to weep.
For he lived alone,
And so his pain had grown deep.

So as the years,
Grew on and on.
He screamed for a mate,
Of that he whom he was fond.

He wept and wept,
For years and years.
Begging for someone,
To wipe all of his tears.

As time went on,
He grew too tired to weep.
And closing his eyes,
Began to sleep.

A century passed,
And still he slept.
He never awoke,
As the time slowly crept.

A home was built,
Looking out at the Willow.
The dwellers within,
Changed from happy to mellow.

The housewife within,
Looked out of the window.
To stare at with mourn,
At the sad, sleeping Willow.

The man who had married,
The housewife within.
Wondered what caused her,
To be sadder than sin.

Feeling the strong,
Emotions for his wife.
He offered to sleep,
Outside for new life.

The couple went out,
And lay by the Willow.
He slept and slept,
His Sadness was still-so.

The man lay down,
To rest his head.
The housewife joined him,
As if lying in bed.

The couple made love,
Slowly with passion.
When the Willow awoke,
The tears came down, crashin'.

"Why do you weep? ",
The man asked the Willow.
"You've been sleeping since,
The moment we moved in so-"

"-I wonder what,
Has made you so sad.
That you choose only to sleep,
What can be that bad? "

"I mourn for a mate,
As you have beside you.
I've waited since time,
But company has been few-"

"The longer I wait,
The sadder I get.
For none of my kind,
Live around me to rest."

The man took in,
What the old Willow said.
And thought for a moment,
When it popped in his head.

"I can bring you,
The mate that you seek.
As long as you promise,
Your heart will then peak."

The Willow slowly,
Began to stop weeping.
Feeling hope slowly come,
His heart began speaking.

"To you and your wife,
This I promise.
I will radiate light,
No longer in solace.-"

"-No longer in pain,
I will brighten your home.
And I will watch your land,
For whatever does roam.-"

"-For you to ease my pain,
I'd be forever in debt.
And I'll be the perfect tree,
You ever have met! "

The man then left,
Looking long and far.
To find the perfect,
Mate to offer afar.

A year had passed,
Since the man had left.
The Willow sat waiting,
Eager at best.

The man then met,
The Willow who waited.
Following behind,
Was another to mate with.

The Willow then,
Grinned to sky.
With her by my side,
I never, will die.

February 19th,2014

Peter Cloutier Jabalee

The Weeping Willow
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