The Weight Of Information Poem by Alexandre Nodopaka

The Weight Of Information

Being a grand consumer of factual literature
I loaded under my arm several books that
after a couple of isles down the $1-a-book
bookstore began to indispose me with the
physiological discomfort of lower back pain.

This time, to alleviate my speed reading,
since at times I read only the right pages and
skip the left. I do this because when reading
in bed I lean on my left side and left ear.
In that manner I avoid fifty per cent of the

surrounding meddling noise caused by the
whirring sound of the fan during the warm
summer evenings like the last four nights
when I felt I was in Puerto Vallarta with the
clammy heaviness of the tepid air laying on

my skin. Anyway, going back to my shopping,
I decided this time to buy a book in French
and another in Russian. Having not read in
either language in a while I thought it might
force me to slow down in absorbing all that

useless knowledge. And as I write this,
another thought enters the crevices of my mind.
Why is it when we plug one ear why can't we
plug a matching portion of the mind? Why
can't we think in fractions like we can divide

just about everything else. This is not like
I need to know one hundred percent of
everything. I'd be quite happy with a tenth of
I don't even know of what 100% portion.

Thursday, November 12, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: poem,pome
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