The Widow In The House Across The Street Poem by Francis Duggan

The Widow In The House Across The Street

Rating: 5.0

She has about her such a happy way
I hear her hearty laughter every day
And with a cheery hello me she greet
The woman in the house across the street.

A widow in her early fifties she lives on her own
And around the neighbourhood she is well known
There is a cheery warmth in her hello
One well might say that she has the inner glow.

She has not seen her only child for many a day
He lives in London half a World away
With his English wife their little girl is three
The grand daughter that she has yet to see.

Her late husband a contract roof tiler by trade
He was paid by the amount of tiles he laid
Two years ago from a roof he took a fatal fall
One memory that she doesn't wish to recall.

In a tragic way for anyone's life to end
She had lost her soul mate and her dearest friend
And though she grieved and great sadness she knew
Her love of life in trying times see her through.

But nothing lasts forever as they say
And her gift of happiness is back with her to stay
Across the street I hear her laughter ring
And the sound of it is such a joyful thing.

She has about her such a cheerful way
And I hear her hearty laughter every day
The widow in the house across the street
The nicest person one could wish to meet.

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