The Wilful Wind Poem by Panagiota Romios

The Wilful Wind


The Wilful Wind

Ah, the wind in the trees!
Bends lovingly to hug my knees.
And the whoosh of their leaves,
brings back multitudinous memories.

Of  being sixteen on the back
of a hog,
And riding with a biker gang. 
Clutching my boyfriend's back
so hard,
I thought it might crack.

Or high winds in Chicago, in
winter, so fierce.
My daughter, just two, and oh
so tiny!
Was nearly blown across icy
Michigan Avenue. Blimey!

In those heavy downpours in
San Francisco...good Lord!
That not so kind wind contorted
my umbrella like a pretzel!

On hot summer nights, dear wind,
is always a loving delight.
Blowing the heat of the day away
from all of us.
Creating a wondrous, starry,
cool California night!

Ah, wind, with a mind of its own.
On that you can count!
I salute your freedom, bowing to
no man and cannot be bought.
Free of no one, and going
wherever you ought.
Without ione judgemental thought!

August 22,2019

Thursday, August 22, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: freedom,individuality,weather,wind
Edward Kofi Louis 19 January 2020

The weather! ! The wind! Muse of nature. Thanks for sharing this poem with us.

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Panagiota Romios 19 January 2020

Here in CA, winds so very cold..Ouch. Panagiota xx appreciate your visit to mu humble Poetry

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