One day there passed by a company of cats a wise dog.
And as he came near and saw that they were very intent and heeded
him not, he stopped.
Then there arose in the midst of the company a large, grave cat and
looked upon them and said, 'Brethren, pray ye; and when ye have
prayed again and yet again, nothing doubting, verily then it shall
rain mice.'
And when the dog heard this he laughed in his heart and turned from
them saying, 'O blind and foolish cats, has it not been written and
have I not known and my fathers before me, that that which raineth
for prayer and faith and supplication is not mice but bones.'
God rewards one and all in the way he desires. This means that there are many paths to approach God thought the ultimate reward is the food of fulfillment. An excellent poem.
Mice are meats and bones, the cats were foolish enough to pray for mice only- not knowing- dogs are alsoo
Dogs are also meat and bones, so shall the wise dog survive and eat the cats.
everyone of us has its own needs. we cannot judge the requirements on the basis of our own background,
And when the dog heard this he laughed in his heart and turned from them saying, 'O blind and foolish cats, has it not been written and have I not known and my fathers before me, that that which raineth for prayer and faith and supplication is not mice but bones.' the dog and the cat and the wild imagination of Gibran. tony
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
Prayers are answered only when you have faith in them and for livelihood God has ordered us to work and struggle.