There's A Presence Of Eternity Poem by Gary James Smith

There's A Presence Of Eternity

Rating: 5.0

There's A Presence Of Eternity

There's a presence of eternity
When the Spirit comes to indwell
In the heart of each believing child of God
It's a witness bearing Spirit
That assures me I've been saved
And witnessed by the living Word of God

To know you are redeemed
And your sin's have been forgiven
Brings a peace and a joy into your soul
Transfered from the kingdom of darkness
To now walking in the Light
Following in the way of Jesus under His control

Prayer becomes my energizer
I have the ear of God
He leads me as I ought to when I pray
Not a far off entity
But front and centre in my life
Praise God Lord Jesus Christ is my Stay

So good morning Lord again I pray
I start my dedication
For I know in whom I have believed is near
My Sure foundation is Jesus Christ
The Author and the Finisher of my faith
Through Him I know I have the Father's ear

Who's child are you
I ask you friend
Do you know this Saviour as your Friend
Have you repented of your sin
And know the Spirit's presence
If not then today please trust in Him

Copyright April 16 2018 8: 51am

Gary James Smith

Wednesday, May 16, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: love
Gary James Smith

Gary James Smith

Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario
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