These Evening Shadows Poem by Mary Angela Douglas

Mary Angela Douglas

Mary Angela Douglas

Little Rock, Arkansas United States of America

These Evening Shadows

these evening shadows in my rhyme
are like the gloom in the night pines
a pigement only, not a state of mind.

one day I hope to reach the Land of shine
other, older children have gone by
in their sapphire skiffs on a lucent sea

as they sing in songs, sing-song
they sang and then the school days rang
merry as the day was not that long,

and was that long ago?
reading, I say, no.

their pink sands slipped through the hour glass,
looking glass oh, alas the princess cries
into a handkerchief of snows

no one has written on
in best silver inscripted thread.
jugglers step across the evening sod

losing their colours; jesters in far moonlight.
when will the courtiers arrive;
the angels with their Christmases

in an effervescent wrapping, unwrap sleep
and dream and cherry bright shine till the last is
rocked to sleep in the evening shadows

crying run sheep, run o.
will the children know them,
when they come to call?

asked someone small: alone
sequined and wondering...

mary angela douglas 4 september 2015

Wednesday, March 2, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: imagination,reading,time
Mary Angela Douglas

Mary Angela Douglas

Little Rock, Arkansas United States of America
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