These Last Seven Years Poem by bobby beddoe

These Last Seven Years

These last Seven Years - A Scenario
. Ever since God scattered the Israelites
Throughout the world like His Word writes
For rejecting Jesus as their Messiah,
As related by the prophet Jeremiah
Somewhere around 620 BC
Until their sudden rebirth as a country
On May 14, nineteen forty-eight
With the prophetic fulfillment on that date
Zion's 70th anniversary has arrived,
Sad, though, that the elite of Judaism today
Are blatantly anti-Christ. For them? Not OK!
. In chapter 28: 58-68 of Deuteronomy
Moses told his people, with certainty,
That if they did not serve the Lord,
God would scatter the entire horde
From one end of the earth to the other!
That happened, when a Roman leader
Invaded Israel. They ran for their lives
Into every country - like as fugitives!
But; for the second time, the remnant
Was gathered per His covenant,
From the earth's four corners,
And reassembled His ousted way-farers.
Exactly as Isaiah foretold it
In his chapter eleven's written script.
. Upon returning, they saw a land
Of deserts and swamps - Oh, so bland!
Then, with the touch of Hand and toil
It became, acre after acre, choice soil,
The best for agricultural produce,
With enough to export for others use
Throughout the Middle East.
Bidding all to sing/dance at gala feast.
. There's going to be a "World War III".
Several ‘Kings' (as most scholars agree)
Will try to wipe out Israel as a nation;
Yes, a bloodbath transaction.
Armies from Turkey [Gog] and nefarious
Middle Eastern countries are quite serious
About wiping Israel off of the map,
And reverting' their land back to scrap.
Since ‘peace talks' up to now have failed;
Not as much as a single accord reconciled,
And because the talks been dour for a while,
God has now prepared the world armies
Against the children of Zion's cities;
Joined by the forces of Iran, Libya,
Sudan, Syria and Ethiopia.
According to chapter thirty-eight of Ezek.
All are, today, fighting in Syria as we speak.
The fierce fighting will destroy Damascus.
But right now it's a fighter's circus,
Complete with competing imported jihadists,
Shi'ite power, Al Qaeda and ISIS terrorists,
The Free Syrian army, Gomer and his band,
And ostensible military units lending a hand.
Such as North America, Europe, and Japan.
No one knows the time or day
That Damascus will be blown away;
But, will be flattened in one clean sweep
With stone upon stone in one ruinous heap,
Within the war-torn remnants of Syria
As prophesied in Isaiah 17: 1 memorabilia.
. As precursor to firestorms that would follow
God has given a preview of forest fire's glow,
In the western states jumping from hill to hill
In accordance to His prep for the real deal;
Of hurricane force winds, absorbing one's breath
Similar to a thermal blast, spreading death,
With huge walls of thermal moving fast,
More powerful than the Hiroshima blast.
Tens of thousands, as they observe scowled,
A glowing, bright orange rising mushroom cloud
On the near horizon, the iris in the eyes will fry,
Blinding them like a salvo from the sky.
‘Tis Just another terrible result of war
On innocent people by Satan's perpetrator.
And destruction - trailing the saved ascension.
The fireball and thermal pulse emitted
By a thermonuclear explosion's concentrated
Burst of energy on planet earth
Is the most potent ever, whatever that's worth.
. Today, we are the generation
That will see the Jew's redemption,
Setting the stage for the man called
‘The antichrist'. Since it's confirmed
That Jerusalem is Israel's capital.
Which the POTUS lately made official.
Setting the stage for the Gog and Magog
Battle, which has already begun.
. So here's to her enemies, great and small,
Ever since 1948 she's defeated them all;
"Like a torch among sheaves, " said Zech.
About those who tried to give it a crack,
To wipe out the Twelve Tribes and clans,
By armies from adjacent and rival land!
Southern armies, led by the king of th' Nile
Shall decide to force ‘peace' by all-out rout.
Which is what WW III's all about:
Battle Scenario: Trifle-nil from the west;
But includes kings of north, south and east.
With Hebrews in the crosshairs, Pharaoh
Heads north with his nuke bow and arrow.
‘Tis a signal for Russia [Putin] launching
His nuke cluster tipped ‘surprise' bombing
On choice targets in the Eagle's culture.
Which follows a nano-second's rapture.
So analyzing the mutual destruction policy,
Moscow craftily discerns that the U.S. Navy
Currently consists of about 290 ships, many
Carrying nuclear and conventional Tomahawk
Cruise missiles; and, for backup, the Mohawk,
Near one dozen aircraft carriers, six dozen
Submarines, of which over a dozen
Carry Trident nuclear missiles, with
Thermonuclear payloads. That's no myth.
Each with comp-guided warhead launchers;
Also, better than 5-dozen destroyers,
Dozens of cruisers, frigates, and assault ships,
All at Uncle Sam's finger tips!
Additional sites for the first missiles strike
Would be the major cities including places like
Manufacturing facilities never to be repaired
No significant target would be spared;
Therefore, pray won't be during AFV, football,
Vanna and Sajak, pro golf or basketball!
So it's easy to understand why the Soviets
Prefer to take out the Land of Liberty's fleets!
. Then after WWIII is over and done,
‘Twill be time to start another - Armageddon.
Correlate this to what the Bible says. In addition
Also to what the Apostle Peter predicted,
And Apostle John on Patmos Island lamented.
(Banished there for his testimony of Jesus)
Described these future event in his syllabus
In stunning detail in the Book of Revelation
And the effects of the coming tribulation.
In symbolic terms about the attack
By the north, south, and east symposiac,
So with America disabled, and no Christians,
A retaliatory force is void of possible options.
To aid the Jews under such a dire condition.
But the minute Jesus returns after the battle,
An important event for the Jewish people
Predicted for the start of the new Kingdom
Is the redemption of Israel and their restoration
At the new beginning for the Jewish nation,
As promised to Abraham's descendants.
In keeping with their (Gen.12: 2-3)repentance.
. Too many of the doomed male species
Continue to indulge in their own fancies:
Those of stature who have confounded women,
And women that have been fired in retaliation
These days seem to be a tradition,
Or perhaps just a petticoat apparition;
Each day as more scenes like this unfold,
Seems even some of our friends fit the mold.
They sit on a front pew for all eyes to see,
And hear talk about the Man from Galilee.
As long as disgrace and degradation prevails
The Last Days pace will not be set by snails.
This is where ethics and divine law decompose
Pushing the gamut nearer to End Time's close,
Then there's the east coast's tornados fiasco,
And heat waves sweeping mid-states in to-to,
Out west, there's the continuous fire inferno,
And firefighters can't tell one bit
If nature or cuckoo fire-bugs keep setting it.
Terrorists acts, Domestic violence,
Mass shootings, seems a weekly occurrence.
. Antichrist is due to arrive on the abhorrence
Heel of this apocalyptic malfeasance
Just prior to the great tribulation's appearance.
The End Time date is, for now hidden;
But, we'll all know it - all of a sudden.
‘Blow ye the trumpet in Zion.' Joel 2: 1- eleven.

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