Think Before You Fly High In Sky! Poem by Ramesh T A

Think Before You Fly High In Sky!

Selfishness is top most in the economic development race
Among competitive nations in the world who don't care for
Pollution of air, contamination of lakes, rivers and seas,
Climate change and spread of deadly dangerous diseases!

Nature, Culture and Art serving as base board are the
Spring that lifts up all to fly high to greater heights
In the sky making all forget the ground not knowing that
Sans knowing technique for safe landing none survives!

It is not enough we know how to fly, we should also know
How to make safe landing for keeping in store of plane
Stocks of food, fuel and water for further flight to
Higher level to new areas for reliable progress of all!

Many are forgetting spring board to progress doubtful
And caught unaware of unexpected situation suffer sure
Unable to overcome it with precautionary measures needed
Only to be dejected, disappointed and disillusioned...!

Saturday, May 9, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: danger
Roxanne Dubarry 09 May 2020

It is as endless as all time greedy want to fly high and score above God's clouds. Not accepting the responsibility for caring for planet earth. The only home we can bequeath to our offspring. What kind of a legacy are we leaving them? A polluted world environment!

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Ramesh T A

Ramesh T A

Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
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