This God Indeed Poem by James Casey

This God Indeed

Rating: 4.8

This God Indeed

If this God indeed, did give himself a voice
Cruelly made this world, or wield his choice
But then chose the brutal way, I before me see
Where weaker life increases, by an equal weak degree

The strong whose luck it was, to come to Godly hand
When God in heaven, set pecking orders up upon this land
Then such a God is not the one who was described
Then made the word, a literal tutorial book of lies

Then the further on I read, how pleasant life should be
Of love for everyone, like the love I have for me
So now all hate would be removed from all that would speak
Pray, to that God, a kiss may come, when turn I another cheek

Of older ways God set, for a man his needs must meet
Savage exchange of eye for eye, and not a tooth but teeth
For countless years this message his prophets brought
Pure faith in Godly love, they wise and sagely taught

And all the while on every page I’m told
How does God know our past, and future bold
For thirty years my brain was assaulted thus
Though wit and reason shook their head to fuss

Then, dimly viewing this not so subtle few
With rude contempt refuse this God his due
Until with logic his followers did then clarify
Why later love, by Son installed, of value high

God hid away to peddle a much lesser line
Before he awoke the Earth, or turned water into wine
Why God needed a son, his message to relate
When from the start, the God himself should state

If not it was to watch and judge the earthly sport
Where men who's blood could stain His Heavenly court
If not there was some primal urge perverse
When God inspired man, to pen that sanguinary verse

The Book has failed, in all it’s wisdom, to explain
To thinking minds from which this fantasy refrain
How such a love so sweet, so lately construed
Of perfect form and shape, and heartfelt wooed

Which, ruling all and sundry, became creation’s find
Should this have been, the founding rock of all mankind
Consider thus a premise we may agree upon
A God should know all, how rise and dies my son

But in this word to mind I have found
Such lack of knowledge does in fact abound
And since the Word of God must twart all lies resist
I conclude that an ignorant God cannot exist

Jim 1994

James Casey

James Casey

Binghamton, New York
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