This Is The Place Poem by Naveed Akram

This Is The Place

I have come from a long distance to be patient in this place,
I am remaining, I am staying where I am to stall, and this is the place.

I have to be a perseverance, for my progeny shall require dedication,
The same direction that is to be followed is surely then rainfall, and this is the place.

To love another being because of his virtue is surely the journey too great,
May feet and hands be covered, so that hearts are unfurled to reinstall, and this is the place.

I have a sport for my deity to love me for, and that is the supreme joy,
It entertains my soul forcing its tail to end up in a pitfall, and this is the place.

My shoes are invented by the great teacher of manners and education,
What can we mean now that I have shown you the truth to scrawl in this place?

A building will collapse forming love like an army so bladed by routing,
The sincere truth is to love the friendships and kill like a snowball, and this is the place.

My days are numbered, the nights have been worded by the scribes,
A living voyage of the seas entails my progeny to be small, this is the place.

Naveed Akram

Naveed Akram

London, England
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