This Reverse Poem by priscah Mutswenje

This Reverse

7 pm 9th December two twenty two is a memory not to shade
The tragic turned comedy scenario tells me it's not time to fade
This is a lie tell me so for i can't comprehend such a let down
It is this critical excitement that almost brought me down

Moderation is the way they always say, now I know
The fingers of death are not far from man, it did show
You could be planning for a party and playing safe
Before the cold touch of fate finds favour in your cafe

It surely can take a number with you even if you are brave
It crawls in darkness and feats to the light of the day
A simple miscalculation is a sure way to the grave
It would be soon that you could be past tense

This confusion traumatized me in a second of mess
In circles the machine moved, threatening to grease
Taking charge of what I had given it in a crazy motion
Excess engagement of fuel during reverse, a first lesson flaw

But the courage I gathered since then can sweep a mountain
It was a lesson to press on and see what rules I can gain
Always touch the driving wheel lightly,
Do not over-engage fuel and your foot should be closer to the break
This reverse was a reverse indeed.

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