Three Into One Don't Go! Poem by H E Alexander

Three Into One Don't Go!

"But please sir, really there's no Holy Trinity,
it makes me doubt God's true divinity."
"Now lad, I know it's hard to comprehend,
but it's all about faith and hope in the end:
the Father, Son and Holy Ghost are three,
but also together are but One, you see."
"No Sir, that makes no sense, you know,
coz, three into one just don't go! "

"But please Sir, I'm not sure there's a God at all,
I mean, nowadays Sir, He's so un-cool."
"Now lad, you just don't see
that God made everything for you and me,
your video games, your music and sports
are all God's Will, put into man's thoughts."
"No Sir, I'm afraid there's not proof enough
for me to believe in all that stuff."

"But please Sir, there can't be a Holy Ghost
for He's the one who I doubt the most."
"Oh but lad, it is from His Grace
that so much good's done in this place;
wherever you go you will find
so much love shown by mankind."
"No way Sir, you don't fool me,
this world's filled with hate and cruelty."

"But please Sir, has there ever been
a Jesus, coz he's not ever seen."
"Well lad, I'm glad you asked, because
I have it from a very good source:
there'd be no eggs on Easter morn,
no nice new gifts at Christmas dawn."
"In that case Sir, I've turned a new leaf:
in the Holy Trinity, I do have belief."

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