H E Alexander

H E Alexander Poems

We walked along
through evening hills,
one hand beheld one hand
and talked in the shadows

From there atop our Christmas tree
she sits each year for you and me,
her angel eyes have watched and seen
the making of our Yuletide scene.

Davy Bucket lost a pocket
from off his best suit trews,
he searched there, and everywhere,
but could not find any clues.

There is just one question of you I pry:
if, should we never have met before
and shared our lives through richer or poor,
would you marry me now for sure?

A lemur named Rick from Berwick,
Wrote a poem of five lines with a Bic,
It rhymed A A B B A,
Which he thought was OK,

There once was a chorister named Doris,
Who met a florist, Maurice Norris,
They had intimate fun,
Till her oven cooked a bun,

Harriet, who liked to be called Harri,
At forty, thought she oughta marry,
She'd sooner top herself,
Than be left on the shelf,

When did I become me?
Can I blame my parents for the genes
or their love, lack of, or guidance?
Was it the pressure of my peers in my teens?

Davy Bucket's spouse - nigh tall as a house -
was called Pearly to foe and to friend,
though Chelsea born, her ties were torn,
when she married into the East End!

Young Pip Bucket signed a contract
to play for West Ham U,
but when he was due to get his debut
the lad went and got the flu!

The distance we cover 'tween life and death
is spanned o'er so short a time;
thus, we need to make our reason rhyme
before we breathe our last of breath.

Yuletide, O Yuletide,
sweet, loving time of the year,
when kindred joins hands and
a mother's kind hand

Davy Bucket bought a ticket
to see a wooden puppet show,
'twas deep midwinter and he got a splinter
as Pinocchio's wooden nose grew!

Ratchet Snotcatcher had a little dog.
a furry hairball of black, wiry wool
and, indeed, when came down a heavy fog,
you really could not see him clearly at all!

Duchess Bucket licked a stamp and stuck it
on an important letter to the King,
with a nice letterhead, the missive read:
"I will marry your first offspring.

When Halfie Pepys was but a wee boy,
he wondered what he'd be when too big for his toys,
(though really "too big" he would never be,
for he would grow no taller than four foot three!)

This is the story of a fella called Klaus,
who, at his loudest, was quiet as a mouse,
though, when he saw a nice piece of cheese
he screamed in rapture and fell to his knees!

Jane Belinda went off to Norfolk
to dwell among the East Anglian Broad folk.
She took up there along with her,
her wee mon, her Scottish soldier,

There once was a young girl named Willow,
Who dreamt she was eating marshmallow,
But when the next morn,
She woke up at dawn,

There once was a mortician named Bernie,
Who one day had such a funny turn, he
Drunk three bottles of gin,  
Did a somersault and spin,

H E Alexander Biography

I am a 64 year English journey from Chelsea to Colchester, via Harlow, Lancashire, Epping and Frinton, collecting along the way, one very beautiful (half Scottish) wife of 46 years, four intelligent and talented children and seven blood grandchildren - with one more in the making - and two more that we consider as our grandsons. I love art and literature, and poetry is my release. (March 2021, Colchester))

The Best Poem Of H E Alexander

A Morning Kiss

We walked along
through evening hills,
one hand beheld one hand
and talked in the shadows
of imposing mills,
of things that we had planned.

But before the sun
has risen yet,
and danced upon the mist,
a morning kiss
to say farewell,
to separate ways unmet.

We strive, we cope
with forlorn hope
to be at peace within.
Midst centred selves
and false made lives,
seeking silence amid the din.

Journeying back
rapt in our own soundtrack,
believing its harmony.
Lips meet once more;
loving, sure-
echoes from yesterday.

My love, my love,
come walk with me
across this grey green sea,
and we shall together
be as one,
forever, you and me.

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