Tick-Tock The Clock, Soaring Then Diving Poem by Chantelle Clark

Tick-Tock The Clock, Soaring Then Diving

The clock ticks loudly in this silent world,
The only sound is time passing by.
What a funny thing it makes me want to cry.

I leave this empty home and head
To the park where I can roam alone in the dark.
Thoughts swirl through my head.
Thoughts of all the fights and rude things said.

One thing that I do look forward to is talking to you.
You always seem to make me look towards the light
Away from the darkness of this night.

All the fights and rude things said are contemplated
By you and you always come up with something
That contradicts the things swirling through my head.
These swirling things that make me want to be dead.

Your perception is never wrong, and your perspective seems to get me everytime.
Sometimes you get mad at things I say and do
But then you say sorry and tell me what I should do.

You give me hugs and tell me its all okay,
You tell me that life shall never fade.
Your always positive, always knowing what to do.
Your always there, I can always count on you.

Whenever I fall your always there
Picking me up saying that life isn't always fair!
My life is a rollar coaster travelling at the speed of light
But yet your still here on every flight.

My feelings go up and down, they never stay level
They always seem to touch the ground.

Your an angel, you have wings, so you seem to
Catch me when I dive, falling down...down
Then I soar for a bit and then I hit!

But once again your there asking me if I'm hurt, saying that you care.
You then take my hand pulling me up.

I wake up from what seems to be a bad nightmare.
Oh but here I go, things start over again.
Reaccuring day by day, always falling through each day.

You stay with me in the worst of times, always there
To step in if needed showing me that you care

Your always singing a melody
Like a beautiful Nightingale.

There is so much more to say
But nothing to express it so now my words are done for today,

I'm off to roam in the park, then home to listen to the ticking clock.
I will once again look forward to talking to you.
You see me through it all,

And for that I'll be there for you to help you if you fall.

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