Time, The Almighty Landlord Poem by John Sensele

Time, The Almighty Landlord

Time: the biggest landlord
At whose feet kings and queens bow
Cockiness and stubborn they can ill afford
When time wipes humility from their brow

In consonance with the mandate
Bestowed on time from on high
As no other candidate
Dares to ply

The trade in enthralling beauty
That leaves onlookers out of breath
The next moment, time being naughty
Crumples a hexing face implanting dearth

Of supple skin, agile gait
While time grows on a souse a protruding paunch
Signaling the haste
Time employs to launch

An assault on the juvenile
Appearance time lends to youth
Only to metamorphose a once sprightly body into a senile
Bundle of misshapen blob sometimes polite, sometimes uncouth

As time mounts a punishing foray
To age cells, weaken tissues, disorganize organs
Derange systems and diminish the ray
Hope plants as a hurdle to purloin guns

Time deploys in its onslaught
Against lifecycles
Although believers plot
To summon miracles

To plead with time
Begging time to slow down ravages
Inflicted on the lime
Souls scramble to sneak into garages

Where time assembles its tanks
Armoured vehicles, jeeps
To devastate life in all its flanks
Despite pusillanimous whips

Life gathers
In the face of superior savvy and guile
Time employs as it smothers
Life's feeble riposte through its rank and file.

Saturday, June 23, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: poems
John Sensele

John Sensele

Ndola, Zambia
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