Timely Advice Poem by Sydne Morris

Timely Advice

Time you get
Your head out of dreamland
Wake up
Clear the smoke
From your bowl of pot

Arise out of your little world
Of love and kisses
& realize the bruises
That consume your skin

Look at yourself
Hiding under your black clothes
Sulking day and night
Fight back or die

Leave that Jerk
That you call your lover
Go out and do what you adore
Pick up that camera
The world is posing for you

Dress in colors
Black is not you
Stop living in the sky
Come back to earth
Hope is not gone

Why do you sit next to him
Knowing he could snap any minute
Take a stand
Tell your best friend Nina

Your beautiful & you know it
Cass is your sister
But she does not possess you
The shadow that you used to follow
Has evaporated

Now you took the lat slap
Making you ill
Momma found you
In the park
Him standing over you
She knew right then

Do you see yourself
Sleeping in the hospital
Tell your story
But don’t forget what happened
Pain you feel
Will soon be gone
Just pick up that solution
And click away

Sydne Morris

Shogunoka Ledesma III 10 February 2006

very sincere, honest, direct, strong...very strong...

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