Timely Connection Poem by David Taylor

Timely Connection

Rating: 5.0

The atrium to the train station
Thralls with business men, families
Workers and holidaymakers
Excited shouts and dogged strides
With phone calls texts and mp3
Fleet footed with business case
Or a loaded trolley curtailing haste
At ticket desks some anxious wait
Will they catch the 9.30
or will they be late?

And me I stand and quietly watch
In good time for my connection
Observing life and all the tensions
Each individual so unique
Some joined by marriage
Some a brief confluence of ways
As they go about another busy day
Paths crossing largely unnoticed
As I stand and observe a seeming metamorphosis
in front of my soul's eyes.

The children’s laugh, the mother’s smile
The worried late departure snarl
Newspapers studied sipping latte
A cleaner sweeps an endless floor
All with minds in worlds apart
All with such diversity of heart
They cease to be a blurry flurry
Of many separate beings in a seeming hurry
It is as if an angel lands
and softens all the sounds around.

The movement here a movement there
Are joined as by a thread through the potent air
The thoughts of each one are seen to be
In the very same mind as me
And in the space as far as eyes can see
Is a presence, clearly free
A presence that we know so well
But one of which so few do tell
Until inside the heart they see
This presence which when known
joins all with love and truly sets us free.

Marci Made 31 July 2007

Excellent write about the thoughts and happenings of 'the commuter.' Guess it is the same there as here only no Grand Central at the end....So many people we pass by, often I wonder if I give a smile, how often I may touch or brighten a sad day...At times I look for the same in the eyes of a stranger as well. Mostly at airports though, still the same except trying not to be nosey as we all empty out all of our pockets, hand over the shoes and carry on's etc. to clear security...That spot alone, security checks, gives one time to ponder the lives of those next to, in front of or behind us, wondering if their fearful to leave the ground....This is so good, and I need to be quiet now....missed your words for a long time it seems..~~love, marci.xoxo

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JoAnn McGrath 30 July 2007

I do that sometimes in busy places...just step back and people watch...you get that feel of time warp...were you are in freeze frame and everyone else is rushing by...but you see bits and pieces of yourself in everyone that walks by....and it makes you stop and think how connected we really are...even when someone just rushes by oblivious in their own thoughts....alla wonder and you captured it well as always David I wonderful write: O)

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Marvin Brato 30 July 2007

Through this piece of poetry... you brought us to the real world David. It made us ponder what is life made for each of us living. Thanks for sharing. Sensible poem as usual.worth the 10.

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