Tirukkural Chapter 04 - Couplets 7,8,9,10 Poem by Rajaram Ramachandran

Tirukkural Chapter 04 - Couplets 7,8,9,10

திருக்குறள் -THIRUKKURAL
அதிகாரம் 4 - துறவின் சிறப்பு
04/07. அறத்தாறு இதுஎன வேண்டா; சிவிகை
பொருத்தானோடு ஊர்ந்தான் இடை.

04/07. Arandharu idhuena vendaa; sivigai
Porundhanodu oorndhan idai.

04/07. The test of charity need not know from scriptures,
But by seeing the persons sitting and carrying a palanquin.
Son: Maa, What scriptures say about the fruits of charity?

Mother: Oh my son, do you need a mirror
To see an object in your palm?
See a person sitting inside a palanquin
And four servants carrying it.

The person sitting inside is
Enjoying the fruits
Of his charitable activities
While the other four did no charities.

In the cycle of events
Poor remains not so ever
Nor a rich always rich
So, let the poor share the rich.

If rich becomes richer
And the poor becomes poorer,
There will be a wide gap
Between these two sides.

One day, no wonder
If a revolution comes
Fighting each other
For their legitimate rights
04/08. வீழ்நாள் படாஅமை நன்றற்றின் அக்தொருவன்
வாழ்நாள் வழியடைக்கும் கல்.

04/08. Veezhnaal padaamai nandratrin agthoruvan
Vazhnaall vazhiyadaikkum kal.

04/08. If one continues to do charity non-stop,
As a solid stone it'll block his re-birth.
Son: Maa, What benefit one will get
If he does charity non-stop.

Mother: Oh my son, listen carefully.
For them there is no re-birth,
As they reach the abode
Of God, not to come back.

This is what the scriptures say,
That this is one way
To reach the Heaven
Never to be born again.

There is a proverb that says,
'Mind is in its own place
It's the man who makes Heaven
Out of Hell or Hell out of Heaven.'

Scriptures says one thing.
Proverb says opposite thing.
The choice is left to the believers
As well as the non-believers
04/09. அறத்தான் வருவதே இன்பம்; மற்றெல்லாம்
புறத்த புகழும் இல

04/09. Araththaan varuvadhe inbam mattrellaam
Purratha pugazhum ila.

04/09, Pleasure from charity is the real one.
There is no fame or pleasure in other ways.

Son: Maa, tell me how one gets fame and pleasure?

Mother: There are several ways
To follow in the spiritual path.
Of which giving charity is one,
That will take one to the Heaven.

Tiruvalluvar has taken charity
And dealt with it in one chapter
To impress upon haves
To share their wealth with have-nots.

In the modern days
Wealth sharing goes
As a part of social subjects
If not equally, but fairly.

It's more an advice to the haves
To give charity to have-nots
As only when the pot is full
The serving spoon will get its fill.
04/10. செயற்பாலது ஒரும் அறனே; ஒருவற்கு
உயர்பாலது ஒரும் பழி.

04/10. Seyarpaaladhu orum arrane; oruvarrku
Uyarpaaladhu orum pazhi

04/10. For one self what he needs is good cause
What he should avoid is blame.
Son: Maa, What Thiruvalluvar says in the end.

Mother: One should earn a good name,
And not live under any blame,
This way charitable acts take one
To the open doors of the Heaven.

If not equal, but equitable
Distribution of wealth
Is a must in the present context,
Of the social order in the country.

Will the charitable institutions
Survive if there are no donors?
They still run with the funds
What they get from donors.

Heaven is not elsewhere.
It is here, everywhere,
Where good people live,
Not to say, what they give.

Thursday, July 28, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: poem
Rajaram Ramachandran

Rajaram Ramachandran

Chennai born, now at Juhu, Mumbai, India
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