Tirukkural Chapter 11 - Couplets 4,5,6 Poem by Rajaram Ramachandran

Tirukkural Chapter 11 - Couplets 4,5,6

திருக்குறள் -THIRUKKURAL
அதிகாரம் 11 - செய்ந்நன்றி அறிதல்
11/04. தினைத்துணை நன்றி செய்யினும் பனைத்துணையாக்
கொள்வர் பயன்தெரி வார்.

11/04. Thinaiththunnai nanrri seiyinum panaiththunaiyaak
Kollvar payantheri vaar.

11/04. If one helps grain-size, those who examine its results
Will take it as a help done palm-tree-size.
Disciple: For any help we should thank
Not seeing its size big or small.

Guru: You're right in the sense
One should not measure sizes
For any kind of help from anyone,
Then it's not help, but a business one.

For a pinch of salt taken
With food from anyone,
One should remember it
Lifelong; not forget it.

(உப்பிட்டவரை உள்ளவும் நினை)

If this is the guidelines,
How much one takes
Helps from many others
In one lifetime; countless?
11/05. உதவி வரைத்தன்று உதவி; உதவி
செய்யப்பட்டார் சால்பின் வரைத்து.

11/05. Udhavi varaiththandru udhavi; udhavi
Seiyappattaar saalbin variththu.

11/05. To help a person from whom he had received help
It depends upon his mental size, big or small.
Disciple: Guru, why people are so meticulous
Measuring every time the size of the help
When help is help, big or small?

Guru: Some narrow minded persons,
Look to the size like this,
Saying 'After all what he did?
Just a small help that anyone can do.'

As you say, help is help, no matter,
Big or small, one should remember,
When time comes, help the helper
Thus it amounts to helping each other.

King Paari gave his golden chariot
To a ‘Mullai' creeper flower plant
When it was creeping on the floor
With no pole support there.

What's a golden chariot?
What is a small plant?
But the King's heart felt
For that poor little plant.

Here there's no big or small.
The needs of the hour call
For help from a helper
It may be whomsoever.
11/06. மறவற்க மாசற்றார் கேண்மை; துறவற்க
துன்பத்துள் துப்பாயார் நட்பு.

11/06. Marravarrka maasarrtaar kennmai; thurravarrka
Thunbaththull thupaayaar natppu.

11/06. Forget not a friend who helped when there was trouble
And also the one who is blameless.
Disciple: How can one forget the help received
From other sources?

Guru: Yes, one should not forget
Particularly the help what
He had from his friend
Who was so kind.

A friend in need
Is a friend indeed,
Is a proverbial advice,
Which everyone knows.

One should be thankful,
And also be grateful
To the good friend,
Who, well in time, helped.

Thursday, August 4, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: poem
Rajaram Ramachandran

Rajaram Ramachandran

Chennai born, now at Juhu, Mumbai, India
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