Tirukkural Chapter 118 - Couplets 4,5,6 Poem by Rajaram Ramachandran

Tirukkural Chapter 118 - Couplets 4,5,6

திருக்குறள் -TIRUKKURAL
அதிகாரம் 118 - கண் விதுப்பழிதல்
118/04. பெயல்ஆற்றா நீர்உலந்த உண்கண் உயல்ஆற்றா
உய்வில்நோய் என்கண் நிறுத்து.

118/04. Peyalaatrraa neerulandha unnkann uyalaatrraa
Uyivilnoi enkann nirruththu.

118/04. She says, "After creating unbearable love sickness,
My eyes cry and cry with, dried up, no more tears to shed."
Balraj: She has no more tears to shed
As they are dried up by now.

Natwar: During sleepless nights,
Thinking of her past happy days,
She has been shedding tears
Now for his long absence.

Her eyes are now dried up
With no tears, even a drop,
And blaming her eyes
For wasting her tears.

This situation none must get,
Like the one she has got,
A man who was with her,
Now he's long-absent from her.
118/05. படல்ஆற்றா பைதல் உழக்கும் கடல்ஆற்றாக்
காமநோய் செய்தஎன் கண்.

118/05. Padalaatrraa paidhal uzhakkum kadalaatrraak
Kamanoi seidhaen kann.

118/05. She says, "More than an ocean
Of love my eyes created
And now their eyelids are not closed
But open, thus undergoing a lot of troubles."
Balraj: Her eyelids are always open gazing the roof.

Natwar: When her eyelids are open
Her eyes are also always open.
When he's inside her eye vision,
How can she sleep then?

She has mental worries,
With her eyes in troubles,
As he appears in her eyes,
To close them, when she tries.

This kind of love sickness,
Never had she even in her dreams,
After he entered her life only
Now she feels it lonely.
118/06. ஓஓ இனிதே எமக்கிந்நோய் செய்தகண்
தாஅம் இதற்பட் டது.

118/06. OOinidhe emakkinnoi seidhakann
Thaam idharrpat tadhu.

118/06. She says, "I am happy to see my eyes suffer
After giving me so much of love sickness. Let them suffer."
Balraj: She is cursing her eyes to suffer as they made her suffer.

Natwar: Her poor eyes have no sense,
To hear her melancholy voice,
But they shed their tears
As a response to her feelings.

If they know what for she feels
They can console her emotions
But they're only windows
Working as outlets and inlets.

They receive what they see outside,
And take them to her mind inside,
But her poor eyes, she blames,
As her chosen handy victims.

Friday, December 23, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: poem
Rajaram Ramachandran

Rajaram Ramachandran

Chennai born, now at Juhu, Mumbai, India
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