Tirukkural Chapter 120 - Couplets 7,8,9,10 Poem by Rajaram Ramachandran

Tirukkural Chapter 120 - Couplets 7,8,9,10

திருக்குறள் -TIRUKKURAL
அதிகாரம் 120 - தனிப்படர் மிகுதி.
120/07. பருவரலும் பைதலும் காணான்கொல் காமன்
ஒருவர்கண் நின்றொழுகு வான்?

120/07. Paruvaralum paidhalum kaannaankol kaaman
Oruvarkann ninrrozhugu vaan?

120/07. "Cupid shot an arrow at me only and not at my lover
Thus showing partiality, but should he not
Understand my grievances? "
Jayanand: Why Cupid's arrow that touched her
Did not touch her lover?

Omkar: It is not Cupid's mistake
But the lovely arrow that struck
The girl didn't touch that boy
As it missed him by a few inches only.

So, it may be a valid reason
For the girl to remain
Solid in her love for him
While he escapes every time.

But time will set right
When by overnight
They'll reconcile themselves
And bury their differences.
120/08. வீழ்வாரின் இன்சொல் பெறாஅது உலகத்து
வாழ்வாரின் வன்கணார் இல்.

120/08. Veezhvarin insol; perraadhu ulagaththu
Vazhvaarin vankannaar il.

120/08. When not even single
Good news has come from her lover
The girl who keeps herself alive must be
Stubborn in her attitude, nothing else.
Jayanand: She considers her life as a waste
She is even prepared give it up
When nothing is heard from her lover.

Omkar: In a frustration mood,
Her talks are no good,
Giving up life is not so easy
But she must take obstacles easy.

There were no transports,
Or communication facilities,
Available in those days,
And travel took several days.

If she develops will power
It is possible, her lover
Will come back to her place,
After finishing his duties.
120/09. நசைஇயார் நல்கார் எனினும் அவர்மாட்டு
இசையும் இனிய செவிக்கு.

120/09. Nasaiyaar nalgaar eninum avarmaattu
Isayum iniya sevikku.

120/09. "If my husband, whom I love very much, is not helpful to me,
If someone speaks a good word about him it'll give my ears happiness."
Jayanand: She is much concerned
About his lover's whereabouts.

Omkar: He has gone out of station,
And there was no communication.
As he is moving from place to place,
She wants to know where he stays.

In her worries about him,
She is expecting every time,
From people known to him,
A good word about him.

In that context she enquires,
All those travelling parties,
Who've come back to her place
Where her husband now stays?
120/10. உறாஅர்க்கு உறுநோய் உரைப்பாய் கடலைச்
செறாஅஅய்; வாழிய நெஞ்சு.

120/10. Urraarkku urrunoi uraippaai kadalaich
Cherraai; vaazhiya nenju.

120/10. "Oh Mind! I bless you! When he comes back
You can tell him of my love sickness.
Till then you control your desires."
Jayanand: She is still expecting him back
For him to know her love sickness.

Omkar: The bondage of family members,
In particular, among married couples,
It goes lifelong and of the two, wife feels
More for her husband's absence.

Out when husband goes
On his business tours,
At home, wife stays alone,
And she can't talk to anyone.

Her disturbed mind wanders
Here and there, everywhere,
And her thoughts also travel,
Over which she has no control.

Rajaram Ramachandran

Rajaram Ramachandran

Chennai born, now at Juhu, Mumbai, India
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