Tirukkural Chapter 55 - Couplets 7,8,9,10 Poem by Rajaram Ramachandran

Tirukkural Chapter 55 - Couplets 7,8,9,10

திருக்குறள் -TIRUKKURAL
அதிகாரம் 55 - செங்கோன்மை (நீதி முறைமை)
55/07. இறைகாக்கும் வையகம் எல்லாம்; அவனை
முறைகாக்கும் முட்டாச் செயின்.

55/07. Iraikakkum vaiyagam ellaam; avanai
Murraikaakkum muttach cheyin.

55/07. The King may save the world. But if he rules
With his unbending scepter, that rule will save him.
Anjana: Again it is repeatedly said that
The unbending scepter only will save the King.

Durga: A King may save the world,
But the world will still hold
And will not save him until
It sees his righteous rule.

If his scepter is bent
And is not straight
He's then lost forever
As a cruel dictator.

No wonder if people revolt
Forcing him to quit
As they can't tolerate
His misrule day in, day out.
55/08. எண்பதத்தான் ஓரா முறைசெய்யா மன்னவன்
தண்பதத்தான் தானே கெடும்.

55/08. Ennpathaththaan oarra murraiseiyaa mannavan]
Thannpathathaan thaane kedum.

55/08. If a King favors a known person and believes what he says
Without verifying the rule books, he will degrade and spoil himself.
Anjana: How can a King pass judgment of a known person
Without verifying the facts with rule books?

Durga: A King should not do like that.
It speaks low of his conduct,
As it'll be his one sided action,
Subject to criticism by everyone.

When he sits on the throne,
There's no known person,
Or relatives or friends,
To be viewed in all cases.

They're just complainants
And He's a Magistrate
To look into the cases
Impartially as outsiders.
55/09. குடிபுறங் காத்தோம்பிக் குற்றம் கடிதல்
வடுஅன்று; வேந்தன் தொழில்

55/09. Kudipurang kaaththombik kutrram kadidhal
Vaduandrru; vendhan thozhil.

55/09.A King's duty is to protect his subjects from harms
And punish guilty as it is his duty with no blame attached.
Anjana: It is the duty of a King to punish guilty
He gets no blame for that, as it is his duty.

Durga: It's the duty of a King
To save a person from harm,
And punish one for his crime,
For that he carries no blame.

If the King is very lenient
Instead of giving punishment
Where a guilty man is involved
Then he must be blamed.

A guilty can't go unpunished
Nor an innocent punished,
A King should see this
Carefully in every case.
55/10. கொலையிற் கொடியாரை வேந்தொறுத்தல் பைங்கூழ்
களைகட் டதனொடு நேர்.

55/10. Kolaiyirr kodiyaarai vendhoruththal paignkoozh
Kallaikat tathanodu ner.

55/10. A King's duty is to save innocent people, by killing dangerous men,
Just like a farmer to save the standing crop, he destroys weeds.
Anjana: It is the duty of a King to save good people
And kill guilty people.

Durga: A farmer destroys weeds
To save standing crops,
Like that a King kills
Guilty to save innocents.

He carries no blame
When he kills them,
As it's his duty to kill
To protect good people.

If he allows guilty persons,
And leaves good persons
To take care of themselves,
Then as a King he's of no use.

Rajaram Ramachandran

Rajaram Ramachandran

Chennai born, now at Juhu, Mumbai, India
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