Tirukkural Chapter 58 - Couplets 1,2,3 Poem by Rajaram Ramachandran

Tirukkural Chapter 58 - Couplets 1,2,3

திருக்குறள் -TIRUKKURAL
அதிகாரம் 58 - கண்ணோட்டம்.
58/01. கண்ணோட்டம் என்னும் கழிபெருங் காரிகை
உண்மையான் உண்டிவ் வுலகு.

58/01. Kannottam ennum kazhiperung kaarigai
Unnmaiyaan undiv vuilagu.

58/01. The world is still stable without destruction,
As the King is having the beauty of kindness.
Bhaskar: As the King is kind at heart
The world is still at his feet.

Maheswar: If a King is kind at heart,
Everyone will be at his feet,
If peace happens to prevail,
This world also will be stable.

Kindness begets kindness.
Also it brings happiness.
When the King shows kindness
People live in happiness.

Kindness is inborn nature,
Of a King or a commoner,
That's not from outside brought,
But it comes from one's heart.
58/02. கண்ணோட்டத்து உள்ளது உலகியல்; அஃதிலார்
உண்மை நிலக்குப் பொறை.

58/02. Kannottaththu ulladhu ulagiyal; akkdhilaar
Unnmai nilakkup porrai.

58/02. One should look keenly in the world affairs.
Those who do not have that keenness are burden on this earth
Bhaskar: Those who can look after themselves
Can also look keenly the world affairs.

Maheswar: One must have that keenness
To learn all type of practical lessons
To survive in this world easily
Without which he'll suffer seriously.

Keenness creates inquisitiveness
To study every arts and science,
At each and every stage,
In this world of knowledge.

Knowledge comes to one,
Who's keen to learn,
If not, it remains unfolded
Deep in one's mind.
Note: Swami Chinmayananda used to say:
"Knowledge is known to everyone
A blanket is covering it as Maya,
Once that blanket is removed
Knowledge unfolds itself.
Maya = Illusion.
58/03. பண்ணென்னாம் பாடற்கு இயைபின்றேல்? கண்ணென்னாம்
கண்ணோட்டம் இல்லாத கண்?

58/03. Pannennaam paadarrku iyaipindrel? Kannennaam
Kannottam illaadha kann?

58/03. If melody is not there with song, what is it use?
Like that, when there is no keenness, what are the uses of two eyes?
Bhaskar: One must have a keen sense of observation
To learn many things in the world.

Maheswar: A melodious song fills one's heart.
One can enjoy every portion of it.
Likewise, one's keen observation
Makes his two eyes shine.

If the two eyes are blind
One can't see the world
And he loses keen sense
Of observation of all its scenes.

Both the eyes and ears,
Pick up sights and sounds,
Thus creating keenness
To learn many things.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: poem
Rajaram Ramachandran

Rajaram Ramachandran

Chennai born, now at Juhu, Mumbai, India
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