Tirukkural Chapter 75 - Couplets 4,5,6 Poem by Rajaram Ramachandran

Tirukkural Chapter 75 - Couplets 4,5,6

திருக்குறள் -TIRUKKURAL
அதிகாரம் 75 - அரண்
75/04. சிறுகாப்பின் பேரிடத்தது ஆகி உறுபகை
ஊக்கம் அழிப்பது அரண்.

75/04. Sirukaappin peridhaththathu aagi urupagai
Ookkam azhippadhu arann.

75/04. With a narrow gateway and inside highly spacious to move,
a fortress must paralyze the attacking enemies.
Muralidhar: Narrow gates prevent enemies,
From entering all at a time thro' gateways.

Janak: Yes, so many barriers
The enemies have to cross,
It is not so easy to tackle
Each and every hurdle.

Even after coming near fortress
Wide moat is there to cross.
Then arrows and boulders
Dropped from high wall tops.

By then, half of the armies
Died or wounded on grounds,
The rest ran away and escaped
From the blood filled battlefield.
75/05. கொளற்கரி தாய்க் கொண்டகூழ்த்து ஆகி அகத்தார்
நிலைக்கெளிதாம் நீரது அரண்.

75/05. Kolarrkari thaaik konndakoozhththu aaghi aghaththaar
Nilaikkellidhaam neeradhu arann.

75/05. Those guarding outside the fort
must have sufficient facilities like food, water,
and those inside should have sufficient
arms and ammunitions, then only it is a good fortress.
Muralidhar: After saying the requirements
For a fortress and the surrounding places
Next the poet has come to the man power.

Janak: He says that guards posted
Outside the fortress should
Be provided with facilities
Like food, water, shelters.

Likewise, those posted
Inside the fortress should
Be given sufficient weapons
To fight their enemies.

A good fortress means,
All these essential products
Must be stored in advance,
And used when the war started.
75/06. எல்லாப்பொருளும் உடைத்தாய் இடத்துதவும்
நல்ஆள் உடையது அரண்.

75/06. Ellaapporullum udaiththaai idaththudhavum
Nalaall udaiyadhu arann.

75/06. A fortress is considered as good one, when there are good warriors to guard all the things provided inside the fortress
without being destroyed by enemies
Muralidhar: Nothing should go in the hands of enemies
Or destroyed by them.

Janak: There must be ‘do or die' warriors,
To protect vital installations inside the fortress
As they must not fall into the hands of enemies,
In particular, arms and ammunitions.

So, a fortress must be guarded well
Day and night by proper vigil,
To avoid enemies attack
On both sides, front and back.

There must be sufficient provisions
For all the fighting forces
For months, sometime years,
Like food and essential supplies.

Rajaram Ramachandran

Rajaram Ramachandran

Chennai born, now at Juhu, Mumbai, India
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