Tirukkural Chapter 85 - Couplets 4,5,6 Poem by Rajaram Ramachandran

Tirukkural Chapter 85 - Couplets 4,5,6

திருக்குறள் -TIRUKKURAL
அதிகாரம் 85 - புல்லறிவாண்மை.
85/04. வெண்மை எனப்படுவது யாதெனின் ஒண்மை
உடையம்யாம் என்னும் செருக்கு.

85/04. Venmai enappaduvadhu yaadhenin onnmai
Udaiyamyaam ennum serukku.

85/04. If you ask what ignorance is, a person thinks himself
out of his ego that he is the wisest man.
Anuradha: A self glorification of an ignorant man
Is nothing but his ego and arrogance.

Divya: One's own ignorance,
Combined with arrogance,
Is nothing but his foolishness,
That is exhibited before others.

Ignorance can be overlooked,
But arrogance can't be excused,
As it is more dangerous
Than his inborn foolishness.

His assuming that he's wise,
It shows only his arrogance,
But the world will not accept,
Among all men, he's the wisest.
85/05. கல்லாத மேற்கொண்டு ஒழுகல் கசடற
வல்லதூஉம் ஐயம் தரும்.

85/05. Kallaadha merrkondu ozhughal kasadarra
Valladhuoom aiyam tharum

85/05. An ignorant man boasts that he has learnt all the literatures.
But he has not studied not even one that will create doubts in other's minds whether he has learnt at least one without any mistakes.
Anuradha: How can he boast that he knew everything
When he has not studied even one literature?

Divya: This shows that he is lying
That he knows everything,
But actually he knows nothing,
Yet, as if he knows, he's boasting.

One day, in the eyes of others,
He'll expose his true colors,
That he's nothing but a zero,
Though he claims to be a hero.

Time will expose his weakness,
And his well known ignorance,
When he'll lose his face,
And his ego before others.
85//06. அற்றம் மறைத்தலோ புல்லறிவு தம்வயின்
குற்றம் மறையா வழி?

85/06. Atrram marraiththalo pullarrivu thamvayin
Kutrram marraiyaa vazhi?

85/06. An ignorant man says he knows the work, without knowing it.
When he is trying to hide one fault, he'll be exposing other faults.
Anuradha: When he doesn't know
Why he should say he knows?

Divya: His prestige prevents him
From telling the truth that time,
So, he says that he knows
Out of his usual ignorance.

Only when the work fails
Others will know his faults
That he is a fool among fools
Not knowing how to handle tools.

If he admits his ignorance,
Others can give helping hands,
But his ego prevents him
To admit it before them.

Monday, October 31, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: poem
Rajaram Ramachandran

Rajaram Ramachandran

Chennai born, now at Juhu, Mumbai, India
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