Tirukkural Chapter 95 - Couplets 4,5,6 Poem by Rajaram Ramachandran

Tirukkural Chapter 95 - Couplets 4,5,6

திருக்குறள் -TIRUKKURAL
அதிகாரம் 95 - மருந்து.
95/04. அற்றது அறிந்து கடைப்பிடித்து மாறல்ல
துய்க்க துவரப் பசித்து.

95/04. Atrradhu arrindhu kadaipidiththu maarralla
Thuikka thuvarap pasiththu.

95/04. After eating first, it must be checked up if the food is digested. When he eats next time, he must examine whether that food will suit his body and then he must eat if he is hungry.
Aarati: One must be health conscious
In eating his choicest food.

Jyotika: Sure, one must be satisfied
If what he had eaten is digested,
And then eat his next meal,
If his hunger is one real.

The food he eats will suit
His digestive system or not,
He must check up and then eat
To keep up his health condition fit.

Only when he's hungry,
He must eat food daily,
If he wants to avoid sickness
And taking bitter medicines.
95/05. மாறுபாடு இல்லாத உண்டி மறுத்துண்ணின்
ஊறுபாடு இல்லை உயிர்க்கு.

95/05. Maarrupaadu illaadha unndi marruththunnin
Oorupaadu illai uyirkku.

95/05. Even the food that suits one's body, he must take it in a limited quantity to keep his health fit and must not take more because he likes it.
Aarati: There is a proverb in Tamil
That even one wants to take nectar,
He must take it in a measured quantity.

Jyotika: Even nectar turns poison,
In excess if it is taken,
So measured doses of food
It is, in fact, always good.

A proverb says, "An apple a day
Keeps the doctor away, "
So, one must take nice fruits
For the body when it suits.

One must not eat food full stomach,
Leaving space only an inch,
But one must take half of it
Leaving sufficient space to digest it.
95/06. இழிவறிந்து உண்பான்கண் இன்பம்போல் நிற்கும்
கழிபேர் இரையான்கண் நோய்.

95/06. Izhivarrindhu unnbaankann inbhampol nirrkum
Kazhipear irayankann noi.

95/06. If one eats a little bit less it is good for him.
If he eats like animals, disease will stay with him.
Aarati: As said earlier, eating a little less than
What one's hunger demands, it is good for his health.

Jyotika: Man must not eat like animals,
But he must eat a bit less
Than what his hunger demands
For digestion to take place.

One may like particular food,
But if he takes a little less
That habit is too good
To prevent him getting diseases.

One must not take water
While he's eating food
And it is always better
If he takes it after an hour.

Thursday, November 10, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: poem
Rajaram Ramachandran

Rajaram Ramachandran

Chennai born, now at Juhu, Mumbai, India
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