Tombs Are Our Next Homes Poem by MOHAMMAD SKATI

Tombs Are Our Next Homes

Only darkness prevails over there with Those ugly worms that are fed on those Dead people without even any remorse... Darkness, worms, that invisible life, No relatives or friends are left over there, No wealth or any possessions are accompanied, And nothing else are left with the dead people... Good or bad deeds are the only inheritance That accompany anyone into that dark tomb... Marble tombs are clearly seen from outside, but We don't know what's going on inside... Those dead people stay inside these tombs For ever and ever... Not a single dead person can go out For any reason anytime, anywhere, and everywhere... We are all going to be there After our lives get expired anytime... Tombs are our next homes Until that Day of Judgement comes... ______________________________________________________________________

Tombs Are Our Next Homes
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