Tossed About Poem by Bob Gotti

Tossed About

Some souls are tossed about as waves, listening to how religion saves,
That what Christ did is not enough, along with additional religious stuff,
As many preach a salvation today, ignoring that Christ is the Only Way;
It was not men, but Jesus Christ, Who said I’m The Way, Truth and Life.

We’re warned not to add or subtract, from what the Bible states as fact,
But, that’s what many religions do, misleading people, like me and you;
Being spiritually tossed, to and fro, by the leaders who profess to know,
The Truth of God, but are deceived, as God’s Spirit they never received.

While all who’ve received His Spirit, know spiritual error when they hear it,
So being led by Truth through Grace, we’re to contend for one true Faith,
Forewarned of the teachings of men, that The Lord Himself will condemn,
All errors born out of vain philosophy, which entangles souls in religiosity.

We are to warn them from God’s Truth, so they may avoid strong reproof,
And not just a strong rebuke from us, but the judgment from Christ Jesus,
Who’s coming back to judge all men, all the religious, but, not born again,
Teaching without the Spirit of God; deceiving souls all across earth’s sod.

God’s warning in Revelation is clear, but, many simply choose not to fear,
While they add to and or take from, the very words of God’s Eternal Son,
Who’ll send them the plagues found in, God’s closing book of Revelation,
And their share from The Tree of Life, shall be taken away by Jesus Christ.

(Copyright ©12/2010)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti

New Jersey
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