True Love (To My Beloved Stella) Poem by Prabir Gayen

True Love (To My Beloved Stella)

Rating: 5.0

True Love
(To My Beloved Stella)

Clearing the garbage
Of the mind,
My soul becomes a little bit restless,
A tiny flame can not efface
the darkness of ancient time,
Too deep is the abyss of the mind,
The bottomless darkness is the dungeon
Of the ignorant minds,
Human mind is the problem,
It is a mess,
Any amount of light is not efficient,
Cosmic darkness is the unconsciousness,
People are sleepwalkers
and they are happy to be in sleepiness,
The more the sleep the more the darkness,
Darkness nurtures sleepiness,
and the prema facie is the ultimate,
Nobody wants to be in their true nature,
Humans are ruined by their so called Intelligence,
Intelligence is useless without innocence,
People are not innocent and
they are living in ancient forest,
Mind is a deep forest with wild animals.

Looking at the outcome of the
educated souls,
My little mind finds it difficult to live with the mores set by our beloved masters of ultimate shore,
Civilization is a disease,
and human mind is in ruin,
Society is a deep forest
with savage wilderness,
Everybody is in mask,
Various masks of assorted hues,
The masks to hide the Misshapen
furrows of the mind,
Mind is a hell with the clouds
of uncharted dreams and perverted desires,
Modern minds are not desirous
for the impossible to dawn,
It is not like the desire of the moth
for the star or the night for the morrow,
It is drowned with drowsy damnation of immortal time.

Standing at this shore of life,
Where light is apparent without
It's pristine source,
Where desires become the ultimate goal,
No love, no compassion,
Only the waves upon waves
and the sense of life is trudged
with heavy shower of rapacious intentions,
I look onto your innocent face,
True to my foolish mind,
True with the presence divine light,
Let us feel the presence the the ultimate,
Let us be one in the cave of our hearts,
Everywhere there is nowhere
to breath with sweet fragrance of Love,
Life is as if it is a dark night,
Let us move inward to find heaven -
heaven of no desire,
Only the note of Love without
noteless prepensity of sluggish self-love,
Come close to my heart and fall like raindrops
Onto my empty heart filling me with no essence,
Only for my heart to be in pure emptiness,
Fill my being without filling it at all,
Just be the fragrance of eternity.

@Prabir Gayen
11: 35 AM. Wed, may 26/ 2021.

Wednesday, May 26, 2021
Topic(s) of this poem: affinity and love
Sylvia Frances Chan 28 May 2021

2) I like the way you explore the self, as you constantly do in your Stella poems.5 Stars full.I like this Beauty very much!

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Sylvia Frances Chan 28 May 2021

Too deep is the abyss of the mind, The bottomless darkness is the dungeon. You wrote a poem of voyage to the self full of great Brilliance, dear poet. I like your words from your mind, but human mind is steady and clean,

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Fill the heart with love with the fragrance of eternity. Superb poem dear Poet Prabir.5 stars

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