Truly Speaking Poem by Kenneth Maswabi

Truly Speaking

The advent of reality as a continuous entity has been broken
Now many are standing on the pedestal of madness
Demanding to be freed from the current definition of reality
It's true that reality is not easy to prescribe
Or to characterize on the billboard of life
At its core, reality is a disjointed entity
That relies on the deep foundation of our collective consciousness
To hold its face on the platform of life
Reality is being challenged by some
Not on the basis of true deformities of the structure of consciousness
But on the malformation of our belief and information systems
Technology has added an extra burden on the nature of reality
Unveiling a brand new form of reality called virtual reality
For eons of years mankind has shunned dreams as a form of reality
Relegating the realm of dreams to the junkyard
Denying mankind a rich form of knowing
Now technology has forced humanity to adopt a totally foreign concept
And pasted it all over our faces
Our children are hooked to this new form of reality
Spending many hours of their young lives staring at nothing but concepts of reality
Selfishness, greed and power mongering is also forcing others to denounce our common form of reality
Where the truth is the substance that dominates the fibre of reality
Now shiny lies are constructed alongside the main framework of reality
This newly refurbished layer of ill-constructed reality is attracting many to its lounge
Politicians and religious leaders are leading this new movement of detachment from reality
Feeding the masses with falsified information on a daily basis
The public is now bloated with lies, deception and untruths
Our minds are being corrupted at an accelerated rate
Our conscience is being eroded
Our collective consciousness is paralyzed
Hysteria is now the new form of ecstasy

Wednesday, November 11, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: awakening,conscience,consciousness,life
Kenneth Maswabi

Kenneth Maswabi

Maun, Botswana
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