Trump, The Mystery Poem by Jan Oskar Hansen

Trump, The Mystery

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Trump, the mystery

What confuses me about President Trump
Is his enduring popularity among mostly lower-paid workers?
While employment is lower than before it is mostly
Truncated paid work not making their economy better.
Is it because he speaks the language of the uneducated?
Or simply because he appeals of their hatred
Of politicians in Washington who speak over their head.
But there must be something more a synergy we who
Are not Americans are being unable to see?
The deep division between the ordinary man and the elites
That can bring the USA to the brink of civil war.
The democratic party appeals to the intellectuals who by
Their very nature can't win anything
However, there is ono politician, a democrat and socialist
Who workers listen to, but will the deep state permit
if given power, he will upset the capitalist apple cart?
Or indeed are we ready for him?

Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: story
Spock The Vegan 31 December 2019

You are deeply confused indeed. It is the Democratic party that is appealing to the uneducated. They want illegal aliens on welfare to get more votes. They would bankrupt or country in a matter of months. Try listening to AM radio for a change or go to online Fox News or Brietbart. The Democrats hate them because they expose their lies. They are the party of hate and division. You don't get any truth from the left.

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