True Love Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English

True Love

True love is like infinite void,
Beyond the peripherals of time and space;
It’s nowhere, yet it’s there,
And blasts to innovative worlds
While sparks ignite;
It is mere point as it is,
No breadth or length, no volume it has,
No bounds while it begins to spread;
Love sprouts its own time and space
To quantify its own terms and needs,
But never it itself subjects to it.

So, my Queen, never lose your heart,
Never cloud soul with irrelevant thought;
Let time pass, though in age spirals caught,
I assure, our love forever glows bright.

Love is single flame lighting two souls,
Love, immortal glow hopping ‘tween souls –
Irrelevant is look, youth, bodily shape,
It transcends all odd twists of life;
Love glows on devotion life to it brings,
And grows with pains life takes for it;
And burns to naught the stains fate made;
Love is beyond life, love is beyond limits,
Love never concedes man made codes.

So, my Queen, never lose your heart,
Never cloud soul with irrelevant thought;
Let us grow old, our love stays intact,
And the stains fate brought bothers us not.

True love is a passage from life to life,
A struggle to rejoin against life’s odds;
Rise and fall is game of the struggle,
Bitter tears flood souls in the middle,
But true love never concedes defeat;
It grows in strength amidst struggles
Till souls conjoin in ultimate bliss.

So, my Queen, never lose your heart,
Never cloud soul with irrelevant thought;
I assure, no more we suffer long wait,
We conjoin soon, though age is not right.

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