Tsunami-Love Poem by Terence George Craddock


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an unrequited love can smoulder
for days weeks months years
an unrequited love unnoticed

unacknowledged can burst
into spark passion flame intense
combustion burn out into ash

or lifetime bright torch burn an eternal flame
an unrequited love can be shadow momentary
a life altering moment force 10 on Richter scale

an utter devastation an absolute destruction moment

a lifetime suffering moment
a soul defining destroying moment
a never should be lived through endured moment

this is a shattered fractured fault line type 10 Tsunami-Love

an unrequited love can be a lifelong enduring affliction
an addiction a heavy weight carried by swimmer drowning
or catalyst spark to passion devotions travel to far places

tsunami-love rises to fear inspiring wave crests
unleashed relentless power surging devastating
unique land tide exceptional shattering mind soul

totally devouring in epic metaphysical philosophical simplicity

a great tsunami sudden sweeps
everything away in a terrifying horrific
post wave curve break moment

tsunami beautiful moment by moment tempo rising terror
terror as a successive wave series a life landscape altering
etched into human psyche nature is not tranquil peaceful

restful calm relaxing
picturesque taken
for granted then like

an earthquake betrays
solid ground concepts
of life time lived safety

tsunami sudden sweeps
everything away normality
disappears lives people

buildings crops fields
sudden devastated gone
leaving jagged ruins

memory loss shock waves
numb trauma love unrequited
can keep hearts blind but

tsunami-love leaves
no previous safe illusions
tsunami-love sweeps

everything away love is striped
from landscape tsunami-love sweeps
everything away love previous

torn away transforms tsunami survivors
into ghost shock guilt survivor remorse
an eternity of change devastation imposed

in minutes tsunami-love sweeps
us sudden blindly to a place we did not
know do not know cannot leave

even in after fleeing to other places
tsunami survivors must stuck record ride post
tsunami shock waves amidst haunting

floating debris of yes no life threatening
nightmares tsunami-love ghost wave plays
victim survivor survival games but not

the sudden wave drowning fate
of horrific beach landscape invasion
of relentless surge tsunami wave

debris litter strung deaths

who can tsunami-love
time rebuild landscape?
nature time buries

scars in time regrowth
passage in heal time but
even nature time shrine

shows scars
wisdom teaching
time show life

will give gift love
live life in sunbeam
moonglow kindness

bless land honour liquid life
in shimmering kindness deeds
choose choice restoration

or devastation life
choose wisely your life
is a wave a ripple

or a tsunami of change
will you breathe rise up
in a philosophy riding

a wave hope love crest lifetime
or leaving living devastation debris
hate anger hurt in your wake?

Terence George Craddock (Afterglows Echoes Of Starlight)
Copyright © Terence George Craddock

Complete version of the split images 'Tsunami-Love: Force 10 On Richter Scale', 'Tsunami-Love: A Soul Defining Moment', 'Tsunami-Love Rises', 'Tsunami-Love: Sudden Sweeps', 'Tsunami-Love: Etched Into Human Psyche', 'Tsunami-Love: Sudden Springs', 'Tsunami-Love: Leaves No Safe Illusions', 'Tsunami-Love: Sudden Wave Fate' The original draft poem was written in July 2014 on the 28.7.2014; it was a fun piece including surfing a tsunami wave, but it was discarded. Written in December 2021 on the 2.4.2021.
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