Turning Off The Lights Poem by RIC BASTASA

Turning Off The Lights

you say, you love light, its brightness
that reveals what had long been denied to you
by darkness,
you take it, and raise it and put it at the higher place
for that should be how it must be
everything is now obvious and you begin to see
the truth, and you say, at first, that this is beautiful,
and good, and you preach about light, its brightness,
you want all those that love you to have them too

time changes, seasons come and go, tastes not just sweetness
but bitterness, this is also truth, but this is not good,
this is ugly, and all the scenes pass before your eyes,
your parents, and brothers, they are carried by this rage
of the river of time, there was thunder and lightning at the background,
there is too much lighting, and you begin to dislike
what light has given you, brightness has become too harsh
for such a short life,
there is panic and fear now, you want to run but all the doors are closed,
and the windows refuse to open,
the clouds make the rain, and rain does not stop,
the sun still shines, no promises are broken, all for your love of light,
its brightness, now getting too sharp and too jagged, they hurt

you sit alone, you let the rain flood over you, you dislike water
there is too much of it, just like light, flooding over your senses,
they are no longer good, they are so ugly,
but what can you do? you wished for it and now it is given for free.

forgetting has taken your beloved away. Such a cruel goddess.
Now you are alone. You remember the night of sound sleep.
You remember when you said, once when we were small,
You want all the lights turned off, light hurts, and you cannot sleep.

and so, i turned off all the lights now. I shall not tell you anything.
You need sleep and dreams shall be there to comfort you.



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