Under My Skin Poem by ESPN CHICK

Under My Skin

I fake the smiles everyday
The pain still lye's under my skin
Under my skin flames are burning
I'm hurting so bad but no one can see

I still cover up in the mirror
No one can see under my skin
There's pain and I can't stand it any longer

I wish I was someone else
Hate who I am
No one wants to come near
I'm all alone and at night I keep the tears buried

No one sees the true side of me it's buried under my skin
I keep it covered everyday of my life
I know I will never be alright

I will never have the life I've always wanted
Pain lingers everywhere I go
It haunts me in the mist of the night
Under my skin is filled with pain I feel it everyday and night

Can no one hear me scream inside of my self
I'm dying inside and I'm the only one who knows
Because everyone else is blind

Under my skin I'm whole another person that no one can see
But at night when I'm all alone
I shed who I am during the day and at night I let it all go
Under my skin no one will ever know who I really am

Aug 5,2008

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