Until Our Hearts Are Full (Modified Paradelle) Poem by Chris Embrick

Until Our Hearts Are Full (Modified Paradelle)

Your smile stole my heart in passing
In passing, your heart stole my smile
Tonight, loves fragrance fills my dreams
My dreams tonight, loves fragrance fills
In passing, loves fragrance stole my dreams
Your smile fills my heart tonight.

Now let the moon beneath the stars
Beneath the stars, now let the moon
Reflect in your eyes our love
Our love reflect in your eyes
In your eyes, now let our love reflect
the moon beneath the stars

Stay here, my love until our hearts are full
Until hearts are full, my love stay here
Beneath the moon take of love
Take of love beneath the moon
Here, stay my love beneath the moon
Take of love until our hearts are full

Tonight in passing
Your smile stole my heart
Your eyes reflect loves fragrance, fills my dreams
Now, let us stay beneath the moon
Here beneath the stars, take of love, my love
Until our hearts are full in love.

Friday, August 17, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: love,moon,perfume,romance
Lodigiana Poetess 21 August 2018

I have read quite a few of your works Chris and each one adds to my admiration for the skill you have as a Wordsmith! This poem is a lovely example of your mastery of words, images, sentiment and storytelling..Thank you so much for sharing this with us! ...10++ in appreciation

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Chris Embrick 27 August 2018

Thank you Lodigiana. Your comments are very much appreciated.

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Chris Embrick

Chris Embrick

Commerce, Georgia
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