Using The Blandishments Of Love For Purely Deceitful Purposes! Poem by Professor Dr. Stanley Collymore

Using The Blandishments Of Love For Purely Deceitful Purposes!

By Stanley Collymore

Can you, if you don't mind my asking, kindly tell
me what you seriously and honestly think that
love actually is? Or would you rather stay
sullen on this matter and instead silently sense it as
some kind of a variable and convoluted version
of your emotions that you witlessly carry
in your head to assiduously employ
whenever you wish to selfishly
get whatever it is that you
desperately want, and therefore see
and conveniently use love as a
handy and useful ploy to
have things your way?

And if that's the case, which I frankly believe
it is, what does that really say about you?
Furthermore, and I think I already
know the answer to my next
question so it's not by any means idle
speculation, what would be your
personal reaction if you were
to discover that there are
other persons, just as
egocentrically and

comprehensively purposefully
inclined as you doubtlessly
are in their own peculiar
and selfish ambitions
who generally thought and, as well,
uncaringly behaved as you do?
And, even more specifically,
callously directed their
own reprehensible
pursuits at you?

© Stanley V. Collymore
18 December 2019.

Author's Comments:
It's high time, I believe, that all languages currently in regular usage and most particularly so those of the so-called modern and westernized countries, that their conventional users take an exceptionally, most long, hard, thoughtful and a distinctly honest look at the word "love" as it is presently rather disingenuously and most appallingly utilized by the overwhelming mass of residents in these respective countries.

And if there are any purportedly professional etymologists around and who're actually worth the status that they're customarily and more often than not unthinkingly given, that the same etymologists amongst themselves either make a genuine and lasting name for themselves or more appropriately so altruistically for the overall benefit of humanity. And as a direct result of this analysis coin a new and truthfully meaning word that honestly and permanently in all ways symbolizes what love and everything authentically associated with it is truly all about.

For the current and much abused word "love" is both abysmally and definitely defunct. Dead as the dodo! And, in essence, has irretrievably lost its venerable, select and all-encompassing positive meaning.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: lifestyle
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