Virtuality Is Unbreakable Poem by Liza Sud

Virtuality Is Unbreakable

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Virtuality is unbreakable.
There are oceans between us and woods.
Why are you so intimate?
Crying longing, and nervous gloom.

There are millions of walls between us,
and they cannot be broken by words.
it is easier to call Jesus
and to find him in Eucharist bowl.

I wanted to be like Joseph,
to play in his life, all through.
But Joseph survived the Ocean -
the Ocean of pain and Truth!

I saw only his poems -
these quiet strong chef-d'oeuvre.
God decided to show
bottom grief. Thank you, God!

Really, why are you crying?
Really, why are you sad?
You were given what you aspired,
God is not going to hide.

God is always true to His servants.
All their dreams come true.
Joseph was simply broken.
And by poems glued.

Better to look from the flat earth,
Than once to fly so high.
Joseph, I hear your sadness,
And I share it inside.

I got at last what I wanted! -
Am I happy? - of course!
The beat, Joseph, of YOUR heart
with all its coldness and hoarfrost!

The rearside of your bilinguality,
this broken amalgam.
I'm near you, Joseph's sanctity,
by no one brilliantly loved.

It's like the Jesus' martyrs.
Doesn't matter what is the cost -
They just wanted to be like You,
even at Your Cross.

Saturday, August 20, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: dream
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