Wake Aria Poem by Aldo Kraas

Wake Aria

I survived the last day of 2008
And I can say that
I can't wait to wake up to the first day of 2009
Well 2009 is here
And is so exciting
So far the first day of 2009 went ok
And I am happy about that
The only thing that I am not happy
Is with my health
Because I don't take good care of my health at all
But I know that I am the one to blame
Because there is nobody else to blame but myself
My diet is not working at all
That is because I am not following it
And sometimes I binge
The reason I binge is to forget the pain that I am in
And that is the way that I cope with my pain
In that respect I am weak
Now lets talk about the good things that
I achieved in 2009
I saved some money
And I bought myself a laptop
And now I have another passion besides poetry in my life
That is photography that I love very much

Ric Bastasa 31 December 2008

welcome alda.. we just had the last day of 2008 last night today in the philippines is jan 1,2009, time is 9: 36 in the morning

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Aldo Kraas

Aldo Kraas

Sao Paulo Brazil
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