War, Life, Survival And Hope Poem by kamesh Sai

War, Life, Survival And Hope

Rating: 5.0

Once we had a country,
Filled with bliss and tranquility.

That was in the March,
When hell broke loose and changed our lives.

What has our experience been like home,
Is now a war-torn zone.

There's no more peace,
The rich and the poor are running helter-skelter to save their lives.

The smells of sulphur fainted us,
Only the lucky can revive back to life.

Air of melancholy surrounded us,
The bloodthirsty mob takes over city streets to cause rampage.

"My God! What is happening? "

Mothers cried, while fathers wept,
Looking at their kids who left them forever.

An oasis amidst the chaos,
We walked the crowded streets looking for bread.

We fought against one another,
We bled and cried aloud.

In pursuit of a better life,
We decided to start our journey towards the west.

With no money and food,
We kept running, stopping and crouching.

We could smell the salt water,
Thank god, we were close to the sea.

We embarked upon the dinghy,
Sailing through the rising tide for hours.

We then came across another boat,
It was police, who stopped us and brought us ashore.

Finally, we made ourselves into Europe,
We are refugees now, my dear.

Longing for home,
Tears rolled down our eyes, As we cannot go there now.

Everyday, we pray to god,
Asking for war to end, and tranquility be restored.

God! save the Syria.

Thursday, January 18, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: life and death,refugees,war and peace
Chinedu Dike 06 February 2018

Horrifying tale of war told in eloquent finesse. An insightful rendition of words set aside for sober reflection. Thanks for sharing Kamesh.

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Rajnish Manga 18 January 2018

This is like an objective reportage on war ravaged Syria and the Syrian refugees. A very thought provoking poem indeed. Thanks, Kamesh.

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