Way Poem by Vision Ghost


Rating: 4.5

Light arising when the soul endorses a purest ambience
Touched by the embrace of the sun in warming presence
When I feel the lights hands upon me in soothing touch
Like a sweeping of all things so impure throughout much

As what remains from space when filled with luminosity
As though wings have been unfolded and leaving to fly
Raise me to this non gravity and I touch clouds of ice silk
I am weightless in uncoordinated fantasies of purest milk

When in wonderment of the unspecific and unreferenced
Free floating upon the wind as the feather lightly sentenced
To always fall but so journey thermals before earth bound
In falling flight and the coming of rest without the sound

As in such a silence of all but nature, devoid of synthetics
For the dawn of the day when the light bring me aesthetics
Bathing me in the flooding of senses upon skin and hair
As though within such spring waters, crystal and yet in air

Travel now through me in breeze carrying messages of rays
From elements unseen so fathomed from such rapid days
As of the beginnings of birth to fundamental ways of death
We replace to the earth what was granted from first breath

Why don’t you stop; go to the window, tell me what you see
The birds upon journeys and the winds through many a tree
Abundance in observation yet seldom in such appreciation
When in stillness as though frozen yet not in times solution

Moving onward as always never backward just in memories
That remains distorted as a photograph in fires complexities
Revisited now in senses teased when invited to open minds
Like the stores of the attic such stories and moments in finds

So rest in a world knowing all that are a piece of something
Unrelated and unseen yet so very much alive and breathing
In peaceful wisps of dreams serene in a colour or of the grey
Forever this, until such a time when we can find a new way

Vision Ghost

Vision Ghost

Epsom, East Surrey
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