We All End Up As Losers Poem by Francis Duggan

We All End Up As Losers

You should not judge a person unless you've lived in that person's shoes
And there comes a time for everyone when the winners even lose
We live awhile and breathe awhile and then for us no more
Though some without knowing tell us of an afterlife beyond this Earthly shore.

All of the money in the World will not bring back to life the dead
Though the next of kin of the materially wealthy may benefit death too for them lay ahead
The wealthy, the middle class and poor and that applies to all
To the sharp scythe of the reaper eventually must fall.

The one born to the monarch no different to you or I
For he or she mere mortals and like us born to die
Mother Nature's scythe the reaper the wealthy few doesn't spare
He claims the life of the pauper and of the billionaire.

Death is for the celebrities as well as those in poverty
We all end up as losers or so 'twould seem to me
Though many with what I do say will surely disagree
We all return to Nature like the giant forest tree.

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