We Lie Poem by Lavigne Kin

We Lie

There are certain things in life that I want
to change, but can't. I cannot bring myself
to face the reality and accept it. So, I
found an easy way out. I Lie. I lie all the
time. I lie to myself. I tell myself that
things will change, I create a fantasy world
of my own. I imagine how life would be if I
actually had what I wanted. I tell myself
that I'll be okkay. I tell myself that things
will be just the way they used to be. I
assure myself that I look good, on days
when I don't. All these lies feed the dying
hope within me. They instill in me the
courage to start afresh.
There are days when reality strikes me
hard in the face. There are not many
options then. All that is left then is the
Truth. The hard and bitter truth.
Grudgingly, I have to give up on my ego
and accept that I was wrong. I accept that
it is not alright anymore. I accept that I
have to let go of certain things, no matter
how much I want to cling to them. I accept
that certain lost chances will never come
back to me again and certain people
who've left me behind will never come
back for me. But this is my way of self
recovery. I lie. I ignore the negatives.
Focus on the on the brighter things. This
makes things easier temporarily.
'Whether we like it or not, But here's the
truth about truth - It Hurts.
So, we lie.'
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Honesty is the Best Policy, they said. Lying
is a sin, they said.
But who cares?
Whether it is for consolation, support,
comfort or just for the sake of it, we all lie.
It gives us a temporary sense of
satisfaction. It assures us that things are
on the right track. We lie to ourselves all
the time. We lie that we're not lonely, we
lie that were not heartbroken, we lie that
it'll all be fine, soon. It isn't a way out of
the problem, but it makes it easier to go
through it. For some people, it is a way to
hide their weakness. They don't want the
world to know they're hurt. So, no matter
how shattered we are on the inside, we
put up a false show for people. And if
people think we're fine, we are fine.
No matter how hard we try to ignore it or
deny it, Eventually all the lies fall away.
Leaving us alone, all by ourselves. We
cannot live in denial Forever. One fine day,
the truth will walk upto us. It will show us
where we were wrong all this while. It will
make us realise all that we once tried to
overlook. It will force us to let go of this
false hope.We will then have to accept
things the way they are. Things cannot be
our way always. There are certain things
that were never.meant to be and all of us
have to accept them, the sooner the
better. For life isn't about how much we
lost, but it's about how hard we tried.
'None of the secrets is worth keeping. Only
the ones that you hide from yourself, are
the most damaging and hurtful of all. Truth
is truth, and lie is lie. Tell yourself one's
the other and you are the most vulnerable
thing in this world.'

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