We'Ll Make Our Own Destiny Poem by Shelby Renee

We'Ll Make Our Own Destiny

No matter what they say
They'll never pull me away
From you, my present, my future, my dear
Come what may
I'm gonna marry you some day
And we'll live happily together for the rest of our years

Now off you go
Down the college road
I'll be here waiting for you to come back
Time will seem so slow
I'll feel so alone once you go
But yet I'll still be waiting patiently for you to come back

4 years is tough
It's gonna be rough
But I know we're gonna make it through
I love you enough
To stay faithful and tough
So that I can live the rest of my life with you

I promise you this
With a tender kiss
That my love for you will never die
And with another kiss
I also promise you this
That I can't wait to become your wife

It's gonna be hard
With you away so far
You'll be in college and I'll be here
But no matter how long or far
You're still gonna have my heart
And I'll be waiting for you right here

So listen to me my love
For even the angels above
Know that what I'm about to say iz true
No matter how hard they push or shove
Our unique true love
Iz gonna hold strong and make it through

So goodnight my dear
Sleep tight and don't fear
That our plan is ever gonna fail, ever
No need to shed a single tear
For I promise you my dear
We're gonna make and live our own Happily Ever After

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