We Shall Build: A Few Hundred Thousand Houses: Boasts Cindy Poem by Terence George Craddock

We Shall Build: A Few Hundred Thousand Houses: Boasts Cindy

we need no plans
we need catchy sales campaigns
we need kiwibuild homes

we need no realistic cost production plans
no market research into what home buyers
want: just go forth build build build homes

it will sound so good in my popularity polls
I shall be a heroine a goddess to home buyers
houses shall sprout grow like magic mushrooms

we shall build houses everywhere no thought to locations
we shall build houses everywhere no thought to saving costs
we shall build houses everywhere no time saving prefabrications

just slap down a quick foundation build on sites
it is ditchy land of a leaper leech labour government
a government that promised to fairytale build

houses quick a few hundred thousand houses
because they claimed their was a housing crisis
under John Key National only 60% of kiwis

lucky proud owned their own houses
Labour had big plans pie in sky dreams
to build houses made of ticky tacky

after a few years struggling with a tortoise takeoff
Labour did built a few thousand promised houses
but not what the customer wanted ugly overpriced

some finally sold underpriced with taxpayer subsidies
under bubble head Ardern Labour less than 50% of kiwis
own their own houses a Labour created housing crisis?

bubble burst burn out no fuel in tank fled
Jacinda Ardern shambolic sudden abdicates
feather nest responsibility leadership roles

in the insect world a flightless
red weta a black beetle an ant even
a lichen share Jacinda names

interesting ants can build buildings
with no blueprints or architects
no idea how finished edifice looks

ants termites build huge underground metropolises
interconnected chambers galleries skyscraping mounds
in-built air-conditioning all without plans or large brains

sounds like a recipe for disaster when Labour tries to do this

Terence George Craddock (Afterglows Echoes Of Starlight)
Copyright © Terence George Craddock

Split image from the poem 'An Idyllic Lifestyle No School No Set Lessons', by the poet Terence George Craddock. Written in March&April 2023 on the 19.3&1.4.2023.
Denis Mair 31 March 2023

Sly wit of the folk, no wonder it's skeptical of anything that's not extruded from the finest silk gland nature gave us....

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