Invisible Scouser Poems

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A Wonderful Mother

What does my mother mean to me
My greatest friend she will always be.
She was there the day i was born
She was there when my heart was torn.

A Painful Tear

I had a dream, that you had died
I woke with a scream, i cried and cried.
my heart beats heavy, eyes sore and red
as i lay there sobbing, on my bed.

Goodbye My Father

Today we place you to final rest
know that with your presence we've been blessed.
six feet down in your grave
we shed a tear, goodbye we wave.

I Wish That Things Were Different

on a bench inside the courtyard, on a dark and starry night
am sat thinking about my life, and i start to see the light.
for days, weeks and months, all i have had is constant pain
I know what the issues are, and i've only myself to blame.

Do You Believe In Fate

do you believe in fate, like things are ment to be
think about the question, then tell me that your free.
do you believe in fate, like things are ment to be
spend a second in your past, and tell me what you see.

Dont Judge

Tell me a man who does not have issues
give me a girl without tears and tissues.
everyone has issues, problems and fears
moments of madness and buckets of tears.

The Wrong People

People are often blinded by lust
these are the people, you must not trust.
no loyalty at all, dont care who they hurt
just after sex, and the joy of the flirt.

Electricity Of The First Encounter

I feel my heart beating fast
me and my love alone at last.
we slowly climbed onto the bed
I can't repeat the words i said.

Losing Your Life Stone

today i write this poem to say goodbye to you
I can't believe you left me, in pain and feeling blue.
god asked if he could borrow you, and take you out of site
I wait in pain and anger until the day we reunite.

The Demon Drink

tonight when i close my eyes
i watch in horror as my father dies.
it's only the truth, i share no lies
lying on my bed my heart cries.

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