What Do I Wish For You? Poem by Peter Mamara

What Do I Wish For You?

by M. Eminescu (1850-1889)

My country of glories, my country of nostalgia,
What do I wish for you, sweet Romania?
Your weapons should be mighty. I wish your armed forces to be fast.
Great future I wish to you: to keep with your great past.

The wine shall fizz in cups, goblets shall foam,
If your sons are proud, then with these I honour them.
Since even though the wave die down the rock stays put.
These I want for you, sweet Romania.

A dream of settling of scores, which is black as a grave,
Your sword shall put your foe's blood through ordeal.
And of top of the hydra, shall flutter in the wind
Your dream of glories: your flag shall be the victor, on top.

Tricolour flags shall tell the entire world,
Shall tell them how great are the Romanians.
When its sacred no-nonsense tide is stirred up.
This I wish for you, Sweet Romania.

The angel of love, the angel of peace
— Smiles with confidence on Vesta' s altar
And makes the glorious Mars go blind,
When flies with his lamp and lights up the world.

He is yet to come down at your virgin-bosoms.
He shall taste the joy of heavenly Paradise.
You hold him in your arm. You build an altar or two for him.
Sweet Romania, this I wish for you.

What I hope for you, sweet Romania,
Young bride you — a mother who cares?
I wish your sons to live like the day's first light,
Only like brothers, like the stars of the night.

You should live forever in glories and delight,
Have powerful weapons, and a Romanian heart.
And dream of heroism, have dignity and pride.
These I wish for you sweet Romania.

(1867 April 2/14)

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