When Poem by Peter Mamara


by M. Eminescu (1850-1889)
When through the clouds, the moon keeps an eye on the world…
When any wave dresses up with a ray…
When sleep's silly spirits sing…
You shiver and cry.

When right through the blossoming apple trees
In the orchard, the moon glows a pale brightness,
I wait for you at the trunk of a tree —
Dreaming awake.

When the sun is on fire and it burns the sky,
On the deep wave of the lake, blonde lass dear,
In the way I rush to you in a boat
Which is pushed by the moving waves.

When the wind is a mystery, when the leaf is silent
— The strange smiles on a world, which is quiet.
I gather kisses from your eyes.
And from your brow, I gather sublime dreams.

Love slackens off a bit, its tired wings.
Smiling, you close your crying, long eyelids,
And you place my pale head at your bosom.
You watch over me and you smile.

Mad lass… You the one who mixes pleasure
With tears, which cause pain.
Mad lass you, with love, which is out of this world…
Oh, how much I love you!


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Friday, March 10, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: poem
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