What Does It Take For A Man To Be Called A Man? Poem by Martin Greyford

What Does It Take For A Man To Be Called A Man?

Rating: 5.0

Been trying to figure out something on a man
But couldn't really find the absolute solution
Because every person has a different perspective
Thinking on a man with the things he does.

I've asked myself this negative question severally
But I don't really think there is
Positivity in my thoughts over the well-being
Of a man in every society.

What does it really take for a man to be called a man?
Could it be the number of races he has won?
Could it be the number of seas
And oceans he has crossed?

What does it take for a man to be called a man?
Could it be the number of mountain
Peaks he has climbed and reached their tops?
Or maybe the number of women he has dated?

I'm kinda confused.
Don't know which of the above opinions is true.
The people in my society do add more
Confusion to my already confused mind by saying;

A man is counted by the number of women
He has dated and slept with.
But I don't really believe that because
It's how they think and I guess

Their ideas, opinions and thinking might
Lead you into a deep ditch,
But what does it really take
For a man to be called a man?

Somebody out there help me.
I don't want to be in this dilemma.
I would really really appreciate if there would be
One to make me understand this question!

Monday, January 21, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: regret
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